Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.

Doctrine and Covenants 50:22

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A baptism, a major miracle, and a funny story! 24 November 2014

Hello my beautiful family(: 

I am just so grateful for alllll of you and being able to hear from you especially this week with Thanksgiving coming up. Let me just tell you a little about Utah missionary life. We have 3 scheduled thanksgiving dinners at 3, 5, and 6. One with the Pickerings, one with a single mom named Barbra who has kids who aren't members of the church, and then the family who signed up to feed us, the Fankhousers. She has a granddaughter who wants to be baptised so we are excited to hopefully get to meet her and start teaching her soon. Kinda funny, her name is Myriah and she is living with her aunt Karen Hatch! So crazy. Anyway, I hope I don't die after 3 Thanks giving dinners. Stratton's voice is constantly speaking to me at dinners telling me i need to eat everything and not offend people. 
haha (:

Well this week was AWESOME! We had Billie's baptism and it was beautiful. Billie is amazing and on fire and is going to bless so many peoples lives. I can't wait to see what amazing things she does. This baptism was really special for me because she is the first person I have taught from the beginning. She has been taught before but has expressed to us that we were the three missionaries and personalities she needed to take the steps she has taken. But holy cow she really is just golden. She bought a study journal because she was so excited to know we would be teaching her the new member lessons and she wants to make sure she takes notes to understand everything. She talks about how excited she is for her 5 year old son, Andrew to serve a mission and how she is a pioneer for her posterity and she is so excited to be that example. I wish you could have seen her face light up when we told her about the temple and baptisms for the dead. (I loved that cool statistic by the way, Dad!) Oh my goodness. It is just way to fun to be a trio of sister missionaries with a young single mom, it involves lots of squealing and jumping up and down and crying together. haha  I love her so much!  Sister Britton and I sang at her baptism. It was such a wonderful baptism she had lots of support from her friends that have been through her side in the rough life she has had. Most of them are not members and she is so excited to share the Gospel with them. She told us she is going to bring one of her friends with her to her new member lessons. Also the first missionary she ever met was Elder Quinton who is now an Assistant to the President and so she wanted him to come and be the one to baptize her - even thought he only taught her like once and she wasn't really interested at that time, she remembered him immediately and wanted  him to be a part of it. It was really neat. 

Major miracle of the week:
So we have been having trouble finding new people to teach. At the end of the day on Saturday , after the baptism, we saw our zone leaders for a couple minutes to drop off a church key. They asked, as always, what they could do for us and we said, "pray for us to find a new investigator!" Elder Gray looked at his watch at said, "you've got an hour and 20 minutes - go find them." So we prayed and went to the non-member's house we had planned to visit, said a prayer, and realized that wasn't where we were supposed to be. We felt we needed to be at the apartments. So we went there and remembered a young couple that our investigator Martha had mentioned a few times who ran away from the FLDS community. We walked to his door just the same time he was walking out. We talked to him a little bit and found out about his background and he invited us to come teach him and his girlfriend! We are seeing them tonight and we are so excited! I am so grateful for prayer! 

My companions are doing awesome. We have all become really good friends. (: I actually LOVE having Sister Britton be a Sister Training Leader because it means she goes on exchanges every week. So not only do we get to work with all the other awesome sisters in the zone, but I get the chance to be in charge of the area and its really preparing me for next transfer. I don't know what will happen but Sister Britton has been here for 6 months now, so I feel like I will be taking over the area. I am super nervous, so her calling was for both us, I think. It's scary when she leaves but I learn a lot. 

Funny story of the week:
We were teaching Anabel one of her new member lessons and her whole family was there so we were going around asking her siblings what the Holy Ghost feels like to them and when they feel it. We got to cute little 11-year-old Anabel and she says, "I mostly feel the Holy Ghost when I go the dentist." She said she was sacred to get her teeth pulled so when she was waiting to have the dentist pull them she said a prayer. "Right after I prayed they put this mask on me that made me feel all happy and warm, I think its called laughing gas, but i was thinking that it should probably be called the Holy Ghost gas." :'D haha it was too good. 

I love you all and hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! i am grateful for each one of you! Thank you for your prayers and support! I will try and send some random pictures that i just haven't sent yet. (: 

-Hi Easton(:

-Have you figured out how to send videos of my choir yet? If its on YouTube you could probably just link it from there. Tell those cuties I love them!


Sister MaRiah B Hatch

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