Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.

Doctrine and Covenants 50:22

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"I Will Follow Gods Plan for Me, Holding Fast to His Words and His Love." ~ 14 December 2015

I have always found peace from the primary children songs; such simple beautiful testimonies that hold such important truth. It has been a rough morning. Tomorrow is transfers: my favorite thing, as you all know. haha. Transfer news has come and gone and I got quite a bit of news. Sister Parker will be staying here in the area and training a new missionary. I will be Whitewash-training and becoming one of the new Sister Training Leaders (STL). So in nonmissionary terms I’m getting a brand new missionary and we are going to an area where we both won't know anyone. Usually it means the area needs a bit of a re-start, and as an "STL" I will be over all the sisters in my zone to serve and to train them... Guys, I am super scared. But mostly, unbelievably sad to be leaving this area. I have given my heart to this area. Whitewashing a new language program has truly helped mold me and I have become soooo very attached to the deaf people and to the members and investigators I have found here. This has been my most favorite area and the best people I have ever served. I want nothing more than to see James, Christy, Callie, and Mark through to their baptisms. They have become such a part of my life and are forever friends. 

Through feeling this overfill of emotions, I have come to understand a glimpse of how Heavenly Father feels. His whole purpose is for us. He created us. He loves us. He knows us inside and out. I know he loves the people here in this area 100 times more than I do. I have to trust that. I think that when Heavenly Father sent us here to earth He wanted nothing more that to keep us by His side and teach us himself and love us. But, for us to grow and become as Him, we had to leave. Now I have to leave, for my own growth and for the growth of the people here, and that is super hard for me. I often think that Heavenly Father puts too much trust in me, but I am grateful because I remember that I can never put too much trust in Him. My mission is coming to a close and I know that where ever I go, I will go with all of my heart, and become something more, more like my savior, more like the pure love of Christ. How grateful we should be to be here on this earth and experience so many adventures that God has to offer. I love my mission, I love this gospel, I love this earth, and most of all I LOVE getting to know the GREAT worth of EACH soul. I am very excited to serve more of God’s children and some of the sisters here in the SLC East mission. God is so kind.

XOXO, Sister Hatch

Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name. ~Alma 26:35

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