... In that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and
fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and with gladness." -Acts 14:17
What a week it has been, things have seemed to slow down and I had to really try hard to not be discouraged. But fear not, the Lord thy God is with us whithersoever we goest, and miracles never cease!
We had MOST of our lessons cancelled right after a super spiritual zone meeting so not a lot of people to report on, but I truly know that an ever-growing conviction of Jesus Christ brings miracles. That's what our zone meeting was about. Truly standing as a witness of Christ and bearing testimony with all the fervor of our soul and without apology. So after zone meeting the zone leader's challenged us to bear testimony of our Savior to someone in that manner. We were supposed to meet with three of our investigators that night but since that didn't happen we decided to just knock on a random door. An active Protestant lady answered the door, she wasn't at all interested but we were able to fervently bear our strong witness of Christ. The spirit really touched her heart and gave her the desire to read the Book of Mormon.
What a week it has been, things have seemed to slow down and I had to really try hard to not be discouraged. But fear not, the Lord thy God is with us whithersoever we goest, and miracles never cease!
We had MOST of our lessons cancelled right after a super spiritual zone meeting so not a lot of people to report on, but I truly know that an ever-growing conviction of Jesus Christ brings miracles. That's what our zone meeting was about. Truly standing as a witness of Christ and bearing testimony with all the fervor of our soul and without apology. So after zone meeting the zone leader's challenged us to bear testimony of our Savior to someone in that manner. We were supposed to meet with three of our investigators that night but since that didn't happen we decided to just knock on a random door. An active Protestant lady answered the door, she wasn't at all interested but we were able to fervently bear our strong witness of Christ. The spirit really touched her heart and gave her the desire to read the Book of Mormon.
As I was reading in Acts 14 this morning, verse 17 really
touched me. This is when Paul and Barnabas are preaching and performing
miracles and they were mocked and rejected. They gave this testimony in verse 17
that even though God allows us to "walk in our own paths" he never
leaves us. I am so grateful that I have felt the "rain" that God has
poured down on me and tasted the "fruit" he has planted for me. He
has truly filled my heart and I know that as I try to share
that with love, the Lord always blesses me, as well as all those that can experience the same joy I do when I "dance in the rain" I love rain, I love fruit, and I LOVE Jesus Christ!
Charlotte has had a rough week, her
son that's been in a detention center for 7 months just had court and has to go
to another place for 2 years. She is still moving forward with her date but
please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Austin came to church and loved it!
He is a young single guy so we are probably going to have to let the YSA
missionaries teach him :( but his lessons are going great. He is diligently
studying the Book of Mormon and praying daily to find the truth. What a joy he
has brought to us.
We had an Amazing lesson with Diego and Krista and they are beginning to recognize so much truth and light in their life that has come as they have began learning about the restored gospel.
Tiffany and her girls are not interested in baptism for now but they have shared with us how we have brought so much hope and peace into their life these last couple weeks. We feel so close to them and always feel the love of the Savior so strong when we are there.
We are praying and fasting to find more people to teach, keep us in your prayers. We know the Lord has prepared someone inGreen River
to receive our joyful message, we just haven't found them yet!
I know the Lord’s love is real and He has a plan for each of us. "His ways are not our ways" (Isaiah 55:8) but I know His ways come to us in the scriptures and through the quite whispering of the Spirit (Elder Corbridge, "The Most Important Things", Ensign, Feb 2015). As we align
our will with God we will know his ways and receive real and lasting joy. The Atonement is real. Please use it. I love you all! Thanks for being a part of my life.
that with love, the Lord always blesses me, as well as all those that can experience the same joy I do when I "dance in the rain" I love rain, I love fruit, and I LOVE Jesus Christ!
We had an Amazing lesson with Diego and Krista and they are beginning to recognize so much truth and light in their life that has come as they have began learning about the restored gospel.
Tiffany and her girls are not interested in baptism for now but they have shared with us how we have brought so much hope and peace into their life these last couple weeks. We feel so close to them and always feel the love of the Savior so strong when we are there.
We are praying and fasting to find more people to teach, keep us in your prayers. We know the Lord has prepared someone in
I know the Lord’s love is real and He has a plan for each of us. "His ways are not our ways" (Isaiah 55:8) but I know His ways come to us in the scriptures and through the quite whispering of the Spirit (Elder Corbridge, "The Most Important Things", Ensign, Feb 2015). As we align
our will with God we will know his ways and receive real and lasting joy. The Atonement is real. Please use it. I love you all! Thanks for being a part of my life.
Sister Hatch