Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.

Doctrine and Covenants 50:22

Monday, December 15, 2014

Best day, best lesson, best companion, best district... December 15, 2014


Life is good because the gospel is good. I am so grateful to be a missionary. It is hard work and this week has been a roller coaster but I am grateful for every moment! The snow finally came last night but today is another sunny day! It's crazy!!

Sister Britton is awesome as always! She has really become one of my best friends. We have been companions for much longer than the norm. I am actually the longest companion she has had out of her five. We have lots of fun together and lots of miracles are happening in our area. I love her because she is an exactly obedient missionary which was one of my goals. Lots of sisters say, she IS the white handbook! haha but she is also super crazy and fun. We are a good balance. Today we are taking pictures to make a Christmas card! We have 3 sets of Elders in our district and one set is our zone leaders and we split the stake with them: Elders Kelly and Holden. They are both super awesome. I don't know Elder Holden super well yet, he just replaced Elder Gray, this funny elder from North Carolina with the thickest southern accent with lots of sass. :p The other elders are Elder Bently, who has just been out one transfer more than me. Lots of missionaries call him Elder Sunshine becasue he is so kind and smiley. Elder York is his companion and he is a champion. He is a convert of just a few years and is an awesome missionary. He has had a pretty crazy past. Elder Conn who was my district leader in the MTC so it has been fun to keep him in my district in the mission, and his companion is the district leader, Elder Todd and he is the best district leader EVER. He is a wonderful example of th type of missionary I hope to be like. He is a great leader and a great friend. He is the biggest goof ball and a spritual giant. We also have 2 sets of senior missionaries: the Larsons and the Hunts. The Hunts live in our stake and take such good care of us. They are amazing and mom would be best friends with Sister Hunt! I can't wait for mom and dad to meet them, they finish their mission in February, but serve from their home so you should meet them when you come for conference! So that's our district. The best district in the mission - and we know that because at transfers we all stayed exactly the same in our district except for Sister Bates leaving. We are like a little family.

This week I had the best day and best lesson of my whole mission, so far. It was with a man named Ron Radcliffe. He has been married to an active member for 45 years and has never really belived in God. But he is ready now. We taught him a lesson for 3 hours - just answering questions and bearing testimony. He told us about all these spritual experiences he had throughtout his whole life but is just now connecting the dots with how it has prepared him for this moment and that he thinks his experiences are from God. He had 4 members there for the lesson including his wife, a good friend whose husband was recently the mission president in Ohio and they just returned a month ago, one of the converts of just a few months from the Ohio mission, and his friend who he feels deeply connected to and who literly looks and acts exactly like Stratton. Sister and President Eberhartd and Elder and Sister Haws (car coordinators for the mission) all know him well and so many peole have just kept him in their prayers for years! It is so exciting to be a part of! Keep him in your prayers please and pray that we will be inspired to teach him because we feel lots of pressure because so many people we care about have been waiting for this moment! We know the spirit is the teacher though. I am so filled with the spirit just thinking about that lesson! yay, I love being a missionary.

And please just know how grateful I am for you all. Sister Britton was just asking me if I was doing ok because this is the point in a mission when most missionaries get home sick. I am not home sick and I know it is because everyone is so supportive and encouraging. Thank you for talking with me about my investigators and praying for them each. I love you so much. I can't even express how grateful I am for you!

x0x0 Sister Hatch

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